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Festo – Brand for Technology, Innovation, Education, Knowledge and Responsibility

39,00 €*

Sofort versandfertig. Lieferzeit in Deutschland ca. 2-3 Werktage.

Autor: Dr. Wilfried Stoll (Hrsg.) / Patricia Piekenbrock
Seiten: 236 Seiten
1. Auflage 2021
Produktinformationen "Festo – Brand for Technology, Innovation, Education, Knowledge and Responsibility"


Brand for Technology, Innovation, Education, Knowledge and Responsibility

What is the essence of a brand? How can it be expressed in a nutshell, and what are its salient characteristics? Logos, colours, shapes, lettering: a brand should of course be recognisable at first glance and at the same time unmistakable. But what actually brings a brand to life – and above all, what makes it future-proof in a world in motion between analogue climate change and digital transformation?

It is people who shape the Festo brand. Embedded in a globally active world community, they are brand ambassadors of a living network – a weighty term that brings with it responsibility. After all, the characteristics of a brand can only be perceived if they are an integral part of a company’s cultural substance. The brand thus also shapes people.

Where does the Festo brand stand, and where does it want to go? The family-owned company strives to develop sustainable solutions for people, animals and the environment and to set them on course for a responsible future. To fulfil this brand promise, Festo relies on the dimensions of technology, innovation, education, knowledge and responsibility.

Produktart: Buch
Sprache: Englisch

Weitere Medien zum Thema

Festo - Marke für Technologie, Innovation, Bildung, Wissen und Verantwortung
Festo - Marke für Technologie, Innovation, Bildung, Wissen und Verantwortung
Festo  Marke für Technologie, Innovation, Bildung, Wissen und Verantwortung Was ist das Wesen einer Marke? Wie lässt es sich erfassen und was zeichnet es aus? Logos, Farben, Formen, Schriftzüge – natürlich soll eine Marke auf den ersten Blick erkennbar und zugleich unverwechselbar sein. Aber was macht eine Marke tatsächlich lebendig und vor allem zukunftsfähig in einer Welt, die sich zwischen analogem Klimawandel und digitaler Transformation bewegt? Es sind Menschen, die die Marke Festo prägen. Eingebettet in einer global agierenden Weltgemeinschaft sind sie Markenbotschafter eines lebendigen Netzwerks. Ein großes Wort, das Verantwortung birgt. Denn Eigenschaften einer Marke werden nur dann wahrnehmbar, wenn sie zur kulturellen Substanz eines Unternehmens gehören. So prägt die Marke auch den Menschen. Wo steht die Marke Festo und wo möchte sie hin? Ziel des Familienunternehmens ist es, nachhaltige Lösungen für Mensch, Tier und Umwelt zu entwickeln und auf den Weg in eine verantwortungsvolle Zukunft zu bringen. Um dieses Markenversprechen einzulösen, setzt Festo auf die Dimensionen Technologie, Innovation, Bildung, Wissen und Verantwortung.  

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Festo – Brand for Technology, Innovation, Education, Knowledge and Responsibility
Festo – Brand for Technology, Innovation, Education, Knowledge and Responsibility
Festo  Brand for Technology, Innovation, Education, Knowledge and Responsibility What is the essence of a brand? How can it be expressed in a nutshell, and what are its salient characteristics? Logos, colours, shapes, lettering: a brand should of course be recognisable at first glance and at the same time unmistakable. But what actually brings a brand to life – and above all, what makes it future-proof in a world in motion between analogue climate change and digital transformation? It is people who shape the Festo brand. Embedded in a globally active world community, they are brand ambassadors of a living network – a weighty term that brings with it responsibility. After all, the characteristics of a brand can only be perceived if they are an integral part of a company’s cultural substance. The brand thus also shapes people. Where does the Festo brand stand, and where does it want to go? The family-owned company strives to develop sustainable solutions for people, animals and the environment and to set them on course for a responsible future. To fulfil this brand promise, Festo relies on the dimensions of technology, innovation, education, knowledge and responsibility.

Ab 31,20 €*